Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Something Weird Is Going On With the Royal Marines (Part 1)

I'm convinced there is some wild f&cksh!t going down vis-a-vis the Royal Marines and the Captain General position, although I'm not exactly sure what. Here l gather my speculations.

I think the RF want to wait until the one-year review to name a new Captain General, but the RM are sick of the nonsense and have embarked on a public pressure campaign to get the ball rolling. These articles are 2 keystones of that campaign:

After the chaos and scandal of the Harry years, I think they wanted good ole professional, reliable Anne but she declined - per DE, she’s 70 with 15 existing military appointments. Reasonable.


I think they are currently trying to give the post to William and he doesn’t want it. Taking over Harry’s old post pumps nitrous into the brothers-at-war narrative, and on a personal level Harry will certainly never forgive him. However the RM are clearly pressuring William in that DE article - they talk about needing royal representation for big upcoming events, they point out a key procedural meeting that needs to take place, then follow up with how the RF’s interests will be damaged by losing a direct connection to the RM.

Harry is off the table and out of the running. He will not be restored to his position. In fact, my personal tinfoil is that he has already been formally stripped of the role! It happened at the Mountbatten Festival of Music during the “farewell tour” and was done very publicly but in a coded way. Effectively, it happened right under our noses and we didn’t suspect a thing! It's an elaborate theory whose exposition will require several separate posts. But wow, if I’m right, the RF and RM really turned the public humiliation dial up to 11 for the gruesome twosome.

Hip Hip... Hooray! Hip Hip... Hooray! Hip Hip... Hooray!

Ultimately, there’s really no one but William who’s both available and suitable for the position (Andrew we know you’ve got time on your hands these days but don’t even think about it!). Hence the DM article with the retired muckety-mucks portraying Harry as feckless and absent; they are bringing out the big guns to blast the way clear for William to take up the role.

(The saga takes a surprising turn in Part 2! Join me there!)


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