Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Howdy Stranger

Well howdy there. I'm surprised to see anyone around these parts - but welcome! I'm a casual web sleuth who loves prowling through the rabbit warren of Mr. Gore's Good Internet looking for the interesting and unusual. Politics, celebrity tea, conspiracy theories, you name it! If it's weird I want to know about it.

A smattering of my recent interests:
  • The disappearance of MH370 (it was hijacked and the Russians did it)
  • The Thai monarchy (I've been expecting the recent mass protests, so buckle in because this is just the beginning)
  • Coronavirus (Jan 3 I heard whispers about this mysterious virus in Wuhan; Jan 23 I knew for a fact the world was screwed; mid-March lockdowns begin)
  • The death of Princess Diana (definitely an accident)
  • The modern British Royal Family, especially the Meghan years

At the moment my most intense interest is the BRF so you'll be hearing a lot about Meghan + Harry (they are a a whole MESS, lol), but who knows where my meandering attention will lead me next? Could be anywhere - Mr. Gore sure built us one heck of an endless rabbit warren!


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