Monday, November 16, 2020

Tiaragate: The Grand Unified Theory (Part 3)

To recap: Claims emerged in spring 2018 that Meghan and Harry had thrown a corker of a tantrum over which tiara she was to be loaned for their wedding. A different version of the story emerged in August 2020, in which Meghan's press mouthpiece claimed that the conflict was really about access to the tiara during preparations for the wedding. Catch up on Part 1 and Part 2 for all the backstory you will need in Part 3!

'Twas I that caused [some of] the ructions!

And so, we at last come to the apotheosis of Tiaragate. Which version of the tale should we believe? A bride coveting the irresistible allure of precious emeralds, viridescent in the light? Or a trip to the hair salon, never to be, thwarted by a viperous Scouser in a fussy hat? In answer, I say:

 ¿Por qué no los dos?

I think both Tiaragates happened, starting with a fight with Eugenie over the Greville Kokoshnik and ending with a fight with Angela Kelly over access to the Queen Mary Bandeau. I think the AK-47 conflict happened more or less as described in Part 2 and in Finding Freedom, with the obvious caveat that I am unsympathetic to the Harkles' motives.

The Greville half of Tiaragate is a slightly trickier knot to unpick, but I think this Shakespeare quote boils it down for us nicely:

O beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on.

Meghan's envy has been the ruin of her

Since her entrance on the royal scene, Meghan has been bizarrely obsessed with one-upping Princess Eugenie. First she and Harry pulled rank on Eugenie and Jack regarding their respective engagements, forcing the Brooksbanks to delay their announcement so that the Harkles could announce their own betrothal. They pulled rank again by taking Eugenie's wedding date, forcing her to delay her spring wedding to the fall. Finally, I believe Meghan tried to pull off a humiliating hat trick by taking Eugenie's tiara as well, resulting in the first Tiaragate.

Why would Meghan do such a thing? How could she dare? Where would she find the temerity to step into someone else's family and immediately begin demanding their most precious possessions?

Simple, my friends: Meghan is a malignant narcissist.

Meghan's entire life has been devoted to the accumulation of material wealth and social status. Her past is a debris field of discarded lovers, friends, and family members, all jettisoned as soon as they were surplus to requirements. Meghan has a need for power and dominance that corrodes her from the inside out, a gnawing acid in her gut that has chewed its way across continents and is now (post-Megxit) consuming Meghan herself. I don't think she cared about the Greville Kokoshnik per se - I think she simply wanted to assert her dominance over a blood princess.

This scenario also explains how Meghan knew about the Greville Kokoshnik in the first place. The tiara had supposedly been promised to Eugenie since childhood. However, it hadn't been seen in public in nearly a century and royal watchers weren't certain it still existed. Courtiers would not have presented this tiara as an option to Meghan, but it might have been common knowledge in royal circles that the GK was meant for Eugenie. At the very least, if Meghan was targeting Eugenie she could have asked around herself, or had Harry find out.

Assuming my suppositions are more or less true... Meghan neither took this defeat in stride nor gave up her campaign of bullying against Eugenie. In fact, she pulled the ultimate attention-stealing narc revenge stunt at Eugenie's wedding...


By flouncing up in an unbuttoned maternity coat, thus unofficially announcing her first pregnancy to the world's media. An official announcement would follow mere days later. (Nota bene: This incident is the reason I started to dislike LaMarkle. Beforehand I had brushed off accusations of misbehavior and narcissism as the typical knife-sharpening of Britain's racist, sexist tabloid press. But I simply could not explain away the fact that I found out about Meghan's pregnancy through her appearance at Eugenie's wedding. Further investigation led me past the twinkling façade of Meghan's celebrity press to the sordid truth beneath.)

Unbelievably, the baby shenanigans were not limited to this very public scene. Per Lady Colin Campbell's biography of the gruesome twosome, Meghan and Harry raised an obscene ruckus at Eugenie's reception by approaching the guests individually to announce their pregnancy, working their way around the venue until each guest had been informed face-to-face. This account has never appeared in the papers, so ultimately each reader will have to decide if they believe LCC is telling the truth. (I do.) As you evaluate LCC's credibility, dear reader, keep in mind that Meghan has sued the press over avocados, copper bathtubs, and a letter that her own friends made public - but she hasn't made so much as a whimper over this book.

LCC is a real piece of work, but I don't think she's a liar.

The Tiaragate saga eventually reached its sad dénouement with the publication of Finding Freedom. It was through this hagiography that the Angela Kelly half of Tiaragate was revealed (as we have discussed). And it was also in this tome that Meghan landed a final brutal sucker punch against the blood princess she so envied. Eugenie and Harry, the authors explained, had once had a very close relationship. But then Eugenie turned Judas: she was the graceless traitor who first leaked the Harkles' relationship to the press back in 2016. Not a shred of evidence was presented to support this claim, but since when did a character assassination require evidence?

There's a final point we need to raise about this whole fiasco. Meghan may or may not have been the driving force behind Tiaragate, but Harry enabled every inch of her bullying. Harry could have stopped the train derailment at a moment's notice, but he chose to be a participant instead. Harry is the Judas. Harry is the graceless traitor. And his cousin deserved better.

Justice for Eugenie!

And thus the diadem is closed. The Grand Unified Theory of Tiaragate is complete.


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